Serving the greater Houston community with authentic French-inspired baking since 2019. We value unfailing respect for our craft. Loyalty to the friends, family and mentors who have taught & supported us throughout our journey.
Throughout this self-directed learning journey, this self-imposed exile, I fought for the right to return to Houston. I told myself I would not come home until I had earned this, by becoming the best baker that I knew.
After 10 years on the road, I made it back, and have spent every moment envisioning ways to elevate the bakery and pastry profile of the city of Houston. I knew that I could not be satisfied until I made a contribution to the home that has given me so much. I invested much thought, as well as the input from my fellow Houston chefs, into a plan to put to use the knowledge, experience, and ideas I had gathered over the years. The vision was clarified, then modified, and now, with the unwavering support of my wife and my home town, will soon be reality: Magnol French Baking